
Course ID
Management Training & Development
Lecture, Online, Seminar

There’s no escaping it. Whether your business is local, regional or global, in today’s faster paced and more complex business environment, management and leadership skills are fundamental to success. Our Management Training & Development program has helped business professionals develop, expand, and refine their management and leadership skills for the past 20 years.

Seminar Description:

A successful interview should be a two-way conversation. Your goal is to find the best qualified applicant for a specific job and provide accurate and appropriate information. Doing a good job of conducting employment interviews and evaluating applicants takes more time than having an informal conversation. It requires training in questioning skills and listening techniques for uncovering the truth. Having a structured approach for interviewing applicants is a must.

Key Learning Points:
  • Learn the "Goals" of interviewing
  • Learn a process of structuring the interview for success
  • Learn how to use different interview questioning styles to uncover the "reality"
Session Time(s) Duration Delivery Required Program Enrolment Instructor
8:00am – 10:00am
2 Hours Webinar Management Training & Development Randy Hnatko, MBA

Provide your team with the skills & confidence to not only deal with difficult people but recognize where a business opportunity may occur – and then take advantage of it.