There’s no escaping it. Whether your business is local, regional or global, in today’s faster paced and more complex business environment, management and leadership skills are fundamental to success. Our Management Training & Development program has helped business professionals develop, expand, and refine their management and leadership skills for the past 20 years.
Much of our personality is shaped by early childhood influences and teachings – messages that we carry with us throughout our lives. Here you will learn about the foundations of Transactional Analysis (TA), a model for understanding human personality, relationships & communication.
All our early life experiences are assembled into a unique set of beliefs about ourselves, others and the world, our “Frame of Reference (FoR).” This frame is like a distorting lens through which we view life and which gives us a unique personal concept of “reality.”Our FoR guides us throughout life unless changed by developing awareness and making decisions to change what we believe.
In this session we will review how this model relates to the selling profession. We will explore how the components of people’s personality influence their behaviour and will learn how to identify repetitive, non-productive behaviour and replace it with more appropriate behaviour.
Session Time(s) | Duration | Delivery | Required Program Enrolment | Instructor |
Thursdays 8:00am – 10:00am |
2 Hours | Webinar | Management Training & Development | Randy Hnatko, MBA |
Provide your team with the skills & confidence to not only deal with difficult people but recognize where a business opportunity may occur – and then take advantage of it.